What are the opening hours?
Core nursery hours are 08:30 – 17:30 (9hr day) Parents can also access an earlier drop off from 07:30 or 08:00 and a later collection time of 18:00. Spaces are limited so please check availability and additional charges apply.
Is there a sibling discount?
Yes! The sibling discount for full time children is 20% for the 2nd child. For children who attend 4 or less days the sibling discount is 10%.
Is there a minimum number of sessions I must take up?
We ask for a minimum of 1.5 days or 3 morning/afternoon sessions as we find this helps children settle and bond with the adults.
What do I need to pack in my child’s bag?
We ask for lots of spare clothes as children can get messy and mucky at nursery. Although we always have spares, it is preferable that children bring in their own wellies and puddle suits. We ask that parents provide children’s nappies. We prefer children to provide their own Calpol that can be left at nursery for high temperatures. In the Winter, we ask for appropriate clothing such as hats/scarves/gloves and in the summer, we ask for sunhats/swimwear and suncream.
In our baby room, we ask parents to provide formula/breast milk if their child requires it as well as teething gel.
We advise parents that where possible, they label their child’s clothing/items to prevent loss.
How do I register a place?
We always advise parents to look around the nursery before registering a place as choosing the right nursery is a very personal decision. Once you are sure you would like a place, we ask for a registration form to be completed and a £100 deposit - £50 of which is refundable on the first invoice. This reserves the space and holds it for the starting date.
How do settling sessions work?
We offer 3 settling sessions in advance of a starting date. These will be organised with the room leader and parents. Initially, parents attend for 1 hour with the child, there will then be two more sessions scheduled in – a 1 hour session with the child on their own and then a 2-hour session with the child on their own – we aim to make this over a lunch time so they can experience mealtimes. We understand that some children may take longer to settle and may need a couple more settling sessions and within reason, we will accommodate these.
How will I be informed of my child’s progress and development?
We use observation books to record children’s achievements and progress, although these stay at nursery, parents can look at these at any time. Our staff complete settling in and progress summaries on children – a settling summary is completed around 3 months after starting, one is then completed at 2.5 years and another before children leave for school. Our staff plan children’s next steps individually and parents can ask at any time what their child is currently working on. We encourage parents to raise any concerns about their child’s progress and development to ensure we can support them.
When should I apply for nursery?
Nursery spaces can fill up very quickly and choosing which nursery is right for you and your child can be a difficult decision. We encourage parents to look at nurseries as soon as they can and should you choose Wren, we advise completing the registration form and transferring the deposit to secure your place – this will hold the place open for your chosen start date to ensure the space is not taken by someone else.
How do I come and look around?
We advise parents and families to visit before signing up; appointments can be booked on email or on the phone. Our visits are flexible so accommodating for a suitable time and date for each parent shouldn’t be an issue. Children are at their most active in the mornings, so we do recommend this is the ideal time to come.
What will my child’s day look like?
Each room within the nursery has a slightly different routine to accommodate for the needs of the age group. In our baby room, the routine works around each individual child; the children generally have breakfast at 8.45am, lunch at 11.45am and tea at 4pm. Sleep times are initially scheduled in-line with children’s home routine and their day will fit around this. As the children get older, naps change, and most children sleep after lunch. Slightly more structure is introduced in toddler room where children have breakfast at 9am, lunch at 12pm and tea at 4pm. The children have a circle time/singing time in the morning, and they sleep at 1pm. Our Juniors and Preschool have normally dropped their sleep by this time, and we introduce more routine and structure of adult-led activities as children begin to prepare for school. All children have lots of free play and garden time throughout the day as well as organised activities.
How do you accommodate for dietary needs?
We have an onsite cook each day that prepares hot meals. We accommodate for all children with preferences and dietary requirements to meet their individual needs. We buy in our food fresh from the supermarkets and therefore can ensure we have suitable foods for all children.
How does the funding work and when do I get free childcare?
Wren offers 15hrs of Universal Funding to all 3yr and 4yr old children the term after their 3rd birthday. Some families will also be eligible to apply online for the extended 15hrs of funding – 30hrs.
Eligible 2yr olds can claim 15hrs the term after their 2nd birthday and from April 2024 this is being extended to all 2yr olds regardless of family status and income, families will be able to access up to 15hrs of zero charge childcare. Further reforms are planned for Autumn 2024.
The funding is offered in 3hr block sessions, with additional services and paid for hours offered around the educational funding. More information can be obtained from speaking to the office, there are limited places for Nil cost places.

Wren Day Nursery

If you are looking for a nursery, Wren is perfectly situated in the heart of Warwickshire, easily accessible for those living locally or commuting from other catchment areas. Catering for all children aged 6 weeks to 5 years.

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